Kaiserslautern High School volleyball team SERVICE: Design and print of: Banner
U.S. Army SERVICE: Design and print: Change of Command brochure Change of Command guest book
Military hospital SERVICE: Print of: Whiteboards
Military support organization SERVICE: Design of different marketing materials such as: Business cards Invitation cards Ceremony cards Giveaways Banners
Military SERVICE: Print of: Handbook
Car Dealer SERVICE: Print of: Flyers Roll-Up Displays Trayliners Banners
Apartment rental in Italy SERVICE: Design and print of: Logo Business Cards Flyers Website
Business directory for Kaiserslautern, Wiesbaden, Stuttgart and Bavaria SERVICE: Design/layout and print of: Logo Magazine Website Beachflags Bags Postcards & magnets Shopping bags Bottle opener
Military newspaper for Stuttgart SERVICE: Design/layout and print of: Newspaper Website
Military newspaper for Wiesbaden SERVICE: Design/layout and print of: Newspaper Website